UW–Madison student,
Our records indicate that you enrolled in multi-factor authentication from Duo (MFA-Duo) as an employee or student employee within the last year. If you are a UW–Madison student, you will be required to start using MFA-Duo on Monday, when MFA becomes available to all students. If you do not take action before September 9, you may not be able to access UW–Madison online resources (e.g. Canvas, MyUW, etc.) beginning this Monday. You will fall in one of the two categories below:
- If you’re still using MFA-Duo for work, you will start using it to access all of your UW–Madison online information on Sept 9 and you don’t need to read this message.
- If you no longer use MFA-Duo because you became exempt (meaning, it was no longer required) but you are a UW–Madison student, you WILL be required to use MFA-Duo on Monday, Sept 9. We want to help you determine if your MFA -Duo device still works.
If you still have your MFA device (token or mobile app)
To verify that your previously registered device still works, go to Test My MFA Device.
- If you are successful, you will see this message: “You have successfully tested your MFA device.” and will start using MFA-Duo on Sept 9.”
- If you are not successful, follow the instructions below.
- If your MFA mobile device is not working
- Refer to KnowledgeBase article: Activating a Replacement Device
- If your MFA token is not working
- Refer to KnowledgeBase article: MFA-Duo – What if my token/fob stops working?
- If your MFA mobile device is not working
If you registered using a token (and no longer have it)
- Get a new token and request a temporary passcode from the DoIT Help Desk at 1210 W. Dayton St.
- Refer to KnowledgeBase article: MFA-Duo – How to Register a Token/Fob
If you registered using a smartphone or tablet (and no longer have the app installed on your device)
- Refer to KnowledgeBase article: MFA Duo – Activating a Replacement Device
You must verify that your MFA-Duo device still works before Sept 9 or you will not be able to access UW–Madison resources (e.g., Canvas, MyUW, etc.) on Sept 9. If you have accessibility needs (i.e. low vision, blindness, etc.) please refer to KnowledgeBase article: MFA-Duo – Accessibility & Usability Information.
If you need help or have questions, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.