Options for Windows 7 — support ends on Jan 14, 2020

(for a UW-owned device)

Last updated November 21, 2019

If Windows 7 is on a device owned by the UW (not by you) learn what you need to do by January 14th, 2020.

Get your questions answered

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How can I find out which version of Windows I have on my device?

  1. Select the Start button, type Computer in the search box, right click on Computer, and then select Properties.
  2. Under the Windows edition, you’ll see the version and edition of Windows that your device is running.

Having trouble? Go to Which version of Windows operating system am I running?

I'm running Windows 7, what actions do I need to take?

If your area is not covered by DoIT Departmental Support, your local IT group will provide guidance on how your department will address the issue. Action must be taken by January 14th, 2020.

Do I need to do anything if my area is a customer of DoIT Departmental Support?

DoIT Departmental Support will contact their customers directly to arrange for an upgrade to Windows 10, if needed.

What if my area is not a customer of DoIT Departmental Support?

Your IT group can consider the following options:

  • We strongly recommend that Windows 7 be upgraded to Windows 10. Machines owned by UW–‍Madison that were purchased with a full Windows OS license are eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 10. Windows 10 ISOs can be downloaded from the Campus Software Library (https://software.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/ssl/csl.cgi) by IT Staff.
  • Retire the computer. SWAP processes can be found here (https://kb.wisc.edu/itpolicy/cio-disposal-and-reuse-procedures).
  • If there are no other viable options, departments that must continue running Windows 7 can purchase extended support from Microsoft on the Software Order Form.
    • If you have questions about purchasing Extended Security Updates, please email licensing@doit.wisc.edu.

Where can IT groups get answers to questions about Windows 7 end of life products?

If you’re an IT administrator for your area, please direct your questions to: eol@office365.wisc.edu

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