Help others become more cyber secure by presenting at the 20th anniversary of Cybersecurity Forward! Submit your proposal by June 13, 2021 at 11:59pm CST to showcase and share your knowledge.
This year’s sessions will:
- Run from July-September on Wednesdays, noon-1pm
- Be held via Zoom (we will hold a personalized training session beforehand and support you during your presentation)
- Run 45 minutes with 15 minutes for Q&A
- Provide 2-3 actionable takeaways for our audience to implement in their organizations or personal lives
- Engage the audience via quick polls (yep, we can help), questions, humor, personal stories or other engaging interactions during your presentation
Please choose a focus for your session:
- Strategic: how to lead in an organization or project
- Technical: how to better use a cybersecurity tool or use tools together
- Practical: actions that non-cybersecurity savvy people can take to be more secure
For more information on Cybersecurity Forward, please visit our website:
Proposal Questions?
Contact us at:
“Forward.” Wisconsin adopted the official state motto back in 1851 to reflect its continuous drive to be a national leader. This drive to be the best is what Cybersecurity Forward is all about: striving to make UW–Madison, our community, and attendees leaders in cybersecurity. Let’s keep moving forward and help our colleagues, family and friends become more cyber secure!