Photo of Bucky Badger with the words "We're Moving!"

Digital Publishing & Printing Services Is Moving

Digital Publishing & Printing Services (DPPS) is DoIT’s full-service printing agency serving the whole university. On Monday, March 21, they will move their customer service office and print production operations from 30 East Campus Mall to a new state-of-the-art, 26,000-square-foot production facility at 2109 South Stoughton Road.

DPPS expects minimal disruptions to production during the actual move and improved service afterward. In its new location, DPPS will feature new digital production equipment and a new, larger delivery van fleet. Customers will be able to request that orders get delivered directly to them, pick them up from the new facility or pick up from the DoIT help desk at 1210 W Dayton Street. Ample parking will be available.

Full details about the move and DPPS services are available on the DPPS website.