Half of an open book merged with half of an open laptop

Register now for Enhancing Online Education in January

Are you teaching fully or partially online this spring? Webinars, micro-courses and self-serve resources from Enhancing Online Education will help you:

  • Build a strong learning community
  • Manage your online course effectively
  • Cultivate an inclusive environment

This program is open to all instructors and brought to you by the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring.

Topics and dates

Fostering Community
Just as with in-person courses, creating community online with your students will expand their awareness, improve well-being and increase overall learning. With some planning and a consistent approach, you can foster a strong, productive online community. In this course, you will think more deeply about what “community” means, create materials to help your learners connect with you, and identify strategies to enhance interactions throughout your course.

Micro-course: January 3-10
Webinar: January 18, 9-10:30am
Self-serve resources

Managing Your Online Course
Teaching online requires unique methods of time and course management. Explore a variety of ways to manage an online course, including: developing an effective orientation, communicating expectations, organizing group work, and planning time effectively for both you and your students. Develop a Course Rhythm Plan and Student Success Worksheet tailored to your course.

Micro-course: January 10-17
Webinar: January 19, 9-10:30am
Self-serve resources

Cultivating Inclusivity
Explore strategies and develop a plan to foster an equitable and inclusive online learning environment. In this course, you will reflect on how your and your students’ social identities can be relevant when creating a sense of belonging. You will also identify strategies to address challenging situations such as microaggressions. Inclusive teaching practices will help you create a learning space in which students will feel more welcomed, valued and encouraged to succeed.

Micro-course: January 17-24
Webinar: January 20, 9-10:30am
Self-serve resources

Register: Enhancing Online Education