Red file folder with a black lock icon, with strings of code in the background

Students act as cyber defenders in “cyberattack” simulation

Cyber criminals launch a ransomware attack on Madison’s water utility… What would you do? 75 Computer Sciences students got the chance to plan their cyber defense in a recent simulation, with participants from the City of Madison Water Utility, the Wisconsin National Guard, the FBI and the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) on hand to support the tabletop exercise.

Dave Schroeder, an integration engineer from DoIT Productivity and Collaborative Solutions (PCS), was one of the simulation participants.

“What our cybersecurity environment needs is more cooperation between academia, government and industry,” said Schroeder, who is also national security research strategist for the School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS), serves as research director for the Wisconsin Security Research Consortium and is an Army cyber warfare officer on the 176th Cyber Protection Team.

“Attackers don’t make distinctions when they’re attacking, and we can’t afford to operate in separate silos,” Schroeder added. “We need to work together.”

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From the School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences: UW–⁠Madison cultivates new cyber academic cooperation, partnerships with government