DoIT Workday Finance Transition

DoIT Number system changing with transition to Workday

University units that use DoIT Numbers should note the following system changes that are part of the university’s transition to Workday:

  • DoIT discontinued the tool for accessing DoIT Numbers on February 28
  • DoIT Numbers themselves remain fully active and usable throughout FY25 (through June 30)
  • Starting FY26, DoIT Numbers will be renamed “DoIT Billing Customer ID” as part of the Workday transition

What you need to do

  • Continue using your existing DoIT Numbers for the rest of FY25
  • Email for help with locating, changing or requesting DoIT Numbers
  • You don’t need to take any action regarding Workday funding strings — DoIT Financial Services will handle the transition at the division level

What’s next?

  • DoIT will launch a replacement web tool once the Workday transition is complete
  • DoIT Finance will work directly with customers to create their DoIT Billing Customer IDs with updated foundation data models (FDMs)

Thank you to everyone who reached out with questions about this change after our previous communications. Please email with any questions as we continue this transition process.