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IT News
Top 5 reasons to use InfoLabs
Did you know there are over 20 InfoLabs located throughout campus? From equipment checkout to special software, learn about the variety of free services.
Getting started with class email groups
Are you teaching this semester? Get acquainted with how class email groups work—including how they are created, how students are added and removed, and how to add teaching assistants.
Stay connected with cybersecurity colleagues through the MIST
Are you a member of the university’s distributed IT community? Monthly meetings of The Madison Information Security Team (MIST) are a great way to hear from security experts on campus and network with colleagues.
Enhancing Online Education series kicks off Jan 24
Teaching online or hybrid courses this semester? Hear from other instructors about their course design and teaching strategies, share ideas and learn about campus support resources. Webinar: Jan 24, 9am.
Elevating Americans’ needs through modern design methods
How do you design modern digital products and services for nearly 350 million people from all walks of life? Join us for a UW Design Community discussion. Feb 11, 1:30pm via Zoom.
Reserve your summer Engage eTexts before Mar 26 deadline
Engage offers instructors a way to integrate digital publisher materials into their Canvas courses at a fraction of the cost. To date, students have saved just over $19 million off the retail price of their materials.
Take control of your data during Data Privacy Week
Learn about data privacy and how to secure personal information online. Jan 27 to 31.
Fictional scenario, real results: Tabletop exercise helps IT community plan for crises
What happens when a global software bug strikes, rendering thousands of computers at UW–Madison useless? 144 members of the university’s IT community gathered at Union South to brainstorm real-world solutions to simulated emergencies.
Preparing for the future means supporting our IT workforce
A message from Chief Information Officer Lois Brooks: The pace of technological change demands that we think strategically about how we support and develop our IT workforce across the university.