A collage of images representing the IT Strategic Priorities

A clear path forward: our IT Strategic Priorities

Join Lois Brooks via Zoom Thursday, November 17 at 10am for the IT Projects Update Forum, to learn more about the IT Strategic Priorities 2022-2025. Other topics at the forum include:

  • Technology Baseline Project (School of Education)
  • Cybersecurity to the Edge

A message from Lois Brooks, vice provost for information technology and chief information officer:


As UW–Madison emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Division of Information Technology turned toward the future and what that might bring to the world of technology. Working with our information technology (IT) partners across the university, we developed a community ethos to guide our intentions and considered opportunities for investment and shared progress that will best serve the university’s goals.

The resulting 5 IT Strategic Priorities will be our focus over the next few years and form the bedrock on which we build a stronger and more vibrant university for many more years to come.

The 5 priorities are:

  • People
    Ensure a vibrant, inclusive, exceptional workforce of IT professionals to provide the technology enterprise of the university.
  • Research
    Advance research computing and data science to accelerate the pace of research and innovation.
  • Learner Success
    Enable educational innovation and learner success; support university priorities for data-empowered education and online degrees.
  • Administrative Transformation
    Support and champion the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP): A priority goal of the university and the Universities of Wisconsin to move to Workday and Research Administration Modernization Project (RAMP) and to modernize ancillary and support systems.
  • Cybersecurity
    Ensure a cybersecure university.

Each of the 5 IT Strategic Priorities for 2022-2025 are distinct on their own. But when we link them together, we create a clear path forward for innovation, inclusion, security and success.

I recognize that we’ve been making wonderful progress in these areas, but there is still much more work to be done. We know that people tend to perform at their best when they feel that they are in a safe, supportive space. They are more willing to take intellectual risks and dig deeper into topics of interest. Our work in IT is imperative to making everyone at this university feel seen and safe—and able to do their very best.

Along with our campus partners, we will bring these priorities to the forefront of our work and ensure that the University of Wisconsin–Madison remains the educational, research and outreach beacon we know it to be.


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