Google introduced a new license and storage model eliminating free, unlimited storage and will enforce a service-wide storage cap on July 1, 2024. In response, UW–Madison is reshaping the Google Workspace service, which includes implementing storage quotas on all UW–Madison Google accounts.
What is changing?
- MyDrive and Shared drive accounts: Starting June 1, 2023, a 25GB default quota will be implemented for newly created accounts and all accounts currently using less than 25GB.
- Service accounts: Starting June 1, 2023, newly created service accounts will receive a 0GB storage quota.
- Accounts holders (including service accounts) using more than the default quota will have until May 31, 2024 to move or delete data. An exception process for additional storage in MyDrive and Shared drives will be offered beginning June 1, 2023.
- Account owners exceeding default quotas will be contacted with additional guidance after June 1, 2023.
Most individuals will not be impacted by these changes. Detailed information about the project, timeline and changes can be found on the Reshaping the Google Workspace Service IT project site.
What do I need to do now?
- Learn how to view your storage usage and manage your content.
- If your current storage is less than the new storage quota, you do not need to take any action.
- If you’re exceeding the storage quota, review files and delete items no longer needed. You may also want to begin moving files/data to other storage providers to reduce your storage in Google Drive.
- Explore alternative storage providers if needed.
Office hours
Have questions? Want to learn more? Stop by virtual office hours to talk with a member of the project team.
Questions or concerns
Please note that quotas and dates are subject to change as we continue to evaluate storage patterns and receive new developments from Google.
Learn more about changes to UW–Madison Google accounts at the Reshaping the Google Workspace Service project site. If you would like to receive updates in your inbox, subscribe to our Google Group. If you have questions or feedback, please contact the project team.