It wasn’t supposed to happen like this—but it did. For over 20 years, Cybersecurity Forward (formerly known as Lockdown) has been a full-day, in person conference. COVID changed everything, but it didn’t stop the conference from happening. It went forward: Cybersecurity Forward.
And it went big!
This year’s Cybersecurity Forward hosted 15 separate webinars, scheduled every Wednesday, noon-1pm from July 8 through October 14. The webinars presented technical, strategic and practical information on how you and your organization could be more cybersecure.
So how did we do?
A record-breaking number of 360 individuals tuned in to the conference to hear the experts present their information. If you missed any of the sessions, no worries. You can watch the 2020 presentations at any time. All sessions (minus two) were recorded to allow you to view the sessions you weren’t able to attend. For those who were able to attend, thank you! If you didn’t get a chance to provide anonymous feedback, please answer a few questions in our survey. We appreciate your thoughts.
We look forward to seeing you all next year at Cybersecurity Forward 2021.