Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create web forms for your visitors to fill out. It lets you add a variety of question types and logic to the questions to elicit the information you need from the people viewing your website. Both it and the UW Theme have been updated, improving both the appearance and accessibility of Gravity Forms.
Accessibility changes
Earlier this year, Gravity Forms developers began using improved markup and simplified styling for better standardization and accessibility. This new markup is enabled for new forms by default. Your existing forms will use the “legacy markup” until you disable it in the form’s settings. The vendor advises that you test the new markup before disabling legacy markup.
For details about this and other accessibility concerns, see the KB article “Improving Gravity Forms Accessibility.”
UW Theme changes
Version 1.16.0 of the UW Theme for WordPress includes improvements that support the more accessible markup that Gravity Forms now uses.
For more about UW Theme version 1.16.0, see “UW Theme Updated to 1.16.0.”
October Lunch & Learn
The WiscWeb team recently held their October Lunch & Learn. Topics included:
- Gravity Forms accessibility awareness
- UW Theme update
- Reminders and Q/A
You can view the livestream recording.
To keep up to date on future Lunch & Learns and other relevant WordPress developments, join the WordPress Users Group Microsoft Teams channel.
If you have any topics you’d like covered in future Lunch & Learn sessions, you can always use the form.
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