
How machine learning is altering the role of the developer

Currently developers write code, assemble modules, integrate services, and automate testing and processes. According to a recent Gartner report, Machine Learning (ML), a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is adding to those roles. Developers are also being called on to prepare data for machine learning modules and “manage portfolios of machine learning models that are incorporated into applications they are developing.” Gartner cites as evidence their 2019 and 2020 CIO surveys.

Effects of the shift

Gartner suggests that the role shift will lead developers to:

  • Enhance existing applications using machine learning models
  • Use cloud services and varied data sources to automate the building of machine learning modules
  • Become citizen data scientists

Adjusting to the role shift

How can developers adjust to this shift in roles? Gartner suggests cultivating skills such as machine learning programming with Python and acquiring an understanding of the elements of data science. 

“Python is emerging as the preferred [programming] language for many AI ML environments. Many programmers skilled in variations of Java, Perl, C++ and others may find they can acquire the Python skills necessary for AI ML projects.”

Gartner also recommends that developers work with data scientists or otherwise seek training and education in the following:

  • Potential data assets—what data is available to build models
  • Data quality—what constitutes a clean well-organized dataset that can be used to build ML models, including a basic understanding of data bias and data diversity
  • Data quantity—how much data is needed to build a model using automated ML services
  • Potential use cases—what applications can be enhanced through the incorporation of ML models

UW–‍Madison has campus-wide access to Gartner for Technical Professionals research. The source for this article is not available under the Technical Professionals license but requires access to Gartner reference materials. Many across the university also have the reference license, so if you’d like to attempt to read the full report, log into then follow this link: Machine Learning Alters the Role of the Developer. If you are unable to view the report, but feel you should be able to do so, please contact Gartner technical support.