Cup of tea next to laptop

CommunITea on summer hiatus

A weekly event for IT and IT-adjacent folks to socialize with peers and connect in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere (web cam not necessary to participate and listen in). If you have any ideas for collaborations, breakout rooms, or other feedback please email

Summer hiatus

The weekly socializing event for IT and IT-adjacent folks will be on summer break until fall. Join us again in September!


In addition to the usual breakout room conversations, previous spontaneous discussion topics have included random IT questions you were too afraid to ask, fictional languages, info architecture, travel recommendations, animal facts, mixology and, of course, pets! This is also a great chance to get informal input from a variety of IT community members with lots of different expertise.

No need to RSVP to connect to the sessions and join in the conversation!

Thursdays beginning in September: 3:30pm via Zoom