The UW–Madison Office of Cybersecurity is launching Cybersecurity Awareness Training that must be completed by all faculty and staff (excluding graduate students employees and undergraduate student employees) by June 30, 2021. All students will take the training in the fall. The goal of this training is to help protect your personal identity and safeguard the digital resources of the university.
Similar to the annual Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Training, the annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training is part of your employment obligation and is required per the UW System Board of Regents (see UW System Administrative Policy 1032 Information Security: Awareness).
The training will roll out beginning the week of April 26. Faculty and staff will receive instructions on how to access the training, as well as reminders to complete it before the June 30 deadline for their 2021 obligation. Alternative training will be offered to those who require additional assistance. More information about this alternative training will be sent out in the next few weeks.
The UW–Madison Office of Cybersecurity has partnered with Stronger International to bring a microlearning approach to Cybersecurity Awareness Training. The concept behind microlearning is to spend small amounts of time (1-2 min) each day answering questions.
All questions will be available to you from the start, but you may answer them at your convenience. You will receive email notifications reminding you to take the training on a weekly basis.
You will have completed the 2021 annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training when you have earned two related badges in your training dashboard.
Your badges are earned by going into the platform and:
1. Reading and acknowledging the UWSA Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy. Once completed, you will earn the Acceptable Use Policy badge.
2. Answering the next 20 questions in the training module. This earns you the 2021 Cybersecurity Awareness Training badge. Obtaining both badges will complete your requirement.
Watch your email for more information about this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Training.