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Postings for 2 new Enterprise Business Systems director roles close Dec 9

Postings for 2 new director roles within the Division of Information Technology’s Enterprise Business Systems (EBS) team close Friday, December 9.

EBS helps administrative units provide enterprise resource planning services to UW–Madison and UW System constituents. EBS supports cloud applications, on-premise vendor solutions and custom systems through business analysis, application design, programming, integration, testing and project management.

The newly created leadership roles were designed to support the success of the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP)-led transition from PeopleSoft to a new enterprise resource planning system called Workday. While the Workday transition is itself a massive project, the body of work surrounding the transition to Workday is also significant, as decisions must be made to determine a transition path for nearly 1,000 additional or “ancillary” administrative systems in use at UW–Madison. The new EBS directors will help lead this work.

In addition to the creation of the new director roles, additional changes in organizational structure are also designed to support the Workday transition and surrounding work: EBS Director Adam Paulick has transitioned to an executive director role, leading a new Administrative Systems Portfolio-management approach to understand, track and resource the critical dependencies for the systems and services impacted by ATP.

New EBS director roles

The director of enterprise resource planning (ERP) administration will direct and manage 6 associate directors, their professional staff and a $15 million budget. This position oversees teams responsible for enterprise services, including ERP administration, database administration, workload automation and analytics. A key area of responsibility is supporting UW’s Workday implementation and ensuring the successful transition of ERP systems as part of the Administrative Transformation Program.

The director of university enterprise will direct and manage 3 associate directors, their professional staff and a $7 million budget. This position oversees teams responsible for enterprise services, including constituent relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, low code/no code and ERP-focused integrations. A key area of responsibility is ensuring the successful transition of ERP ancillary systems as part of ATP through integrations and replatforming.

How to apply

The 2 new director positions are being recruited internally, within UW–Madison. To view the postings and apply:

  • Go to jobs.wisc.edu
  • Select “Internal,” then go to the “Information Technology” category and select “IT Multifunctional Services”
  • Both postings close Friday, December 9