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Qualtrics releases new contact list directory

On January 3, 2023, Qualtrics migrated UW‍–‍Madison from its legacy Contact List experience to XM Directory (XMD) Lite. This change occurred without any advanced notice from the vendor. Much like Contact Lists, XM Directory Lite allows individuals to create distribution lists that are only available to your account. These lists can also be shared with Qualtrics Groups or the UW‍–‍Madison Users Library.

Change impact

The new XMD Lite interface does not include a separate folder for just the contact lists owned by the individual. The default “All list” view displays both private and shared contact lists. This has resulted in concerns from constituents that their distribution lists were shared with all UW‍–‍Madison Qualtrics accounts during the transition to XMD Lite. We have been assured by Qualtrics that private lists were not shared publicly during the migration.

Action steps

If you do not use contact lists within Qualtrics, you do not need to take action. For those who do use contact lists, we recommend creating a folder structure to organize personal contact lists and moving existing contact lists to those folder(s). Keep in mind that new contact lists will default to appearing in the unstructured “All list” location until they are moved to another folder. For more information on how to access and interact with the new XM Directory Lite interface, see our KnowledgeBase article: XM Directory Lite Getting Started.


If you have questions about XM Directory Lite or are experiencing difficulties with the new interface, the Qualtrics Support Team is always ready to assist. For information on how to open a support request, please review this KnowledgeBase article: Log in to Qualtrics Support.

Finally, if you have a specific reason to believe that data is being shared inappropriately, we encourage you to report it as an incident to Cybersecurity: Report an incident.