Now is the time to expand your professional network on campus. The UW-IT Campus Mentoring Program is preparing to kick off its 2021-2022 cohort, and we’re looking for your participation! The program will match mentors and mentees together who will then establish clear expectations and goals for the mentoring relationship. The year will consist of a series of sponsored events to support and grow mentoring relationships and cross-campus collaboration. To sign up, just fill out a mentor or mentee survey.
There are no specific requirements for being a mentor or a mentee. We’d recommend folks participate as mentors if you have been on campus for a few years. We’d recommend considering becoming a mentee if you are new to campus, looking to prepare yourself for career movement, or just want to work with someone new!
Who: Anyone interested in being a mentor or mentee!
When: Fall 2021 to Spring 2022
Why: Expand your personal and professional network, improve cross-campus collaboration, and work with other IT folks to improve your own skillset.
As a Mentor you will:
- Commit to regularly scheduled meeting times with your mentee
- Help the mentee set and attain career and personal goals
- Share best practices including unique professional experiences
As a Mentee you will:
- Commit to regularly scheduled meeting times with your mentor
- Learn about campus and the IT community while expanding your network
- Explore potential career paths and professional development opportunities
Please respond by end of day, Monday, October 18, 2021.
If you would like more information about the program, please reach out to co-leads Paul Oliphant or Patrick Johnson.
—UW-IT Campus Mentoring Program