Webex is changing the way you work by adding advanced features. You wanted a more intuitive interface and easy to use features? Webex is listening and making improvements. Here are some updates that roll out August 4:
- Upload your own custom virtual desktop backgrounds for an appealing look (who says you have to look like you’re working from your kitchen table!)
- For best quality, use an image that is greater than or equal to 1280 x 720 pixels
- Use the spacebar for push-to talk functionality when you’re muted
- When muted, simply press and hold the spacebar when you want to talk.
- An indicator will appear showing you’re temporarily unmuted.
- Release the spacebar to go back on to mute.
- Enhanced audio and video
- The speaker, microphone and camera settings dialog has improved to easily allow testing of a selected speaker and microphone.
- Selecting the “Test” button next to the speaker will change the button to say “playing” and you’ll hear a sample audio from the selected speaker. If you can’t hear the test sound, try changing the speaker device.
- Selecting the “Test” button next to the microphone allow you to record yourself speaking to test the microphone. If you can’t hear the test sound, try changing the microphone device and retest.
- Enhanced video layout for the Desktop app
- Grid view is now the default when no content is being shared, allowing for a more collaborative feeling.
- You can still change your view to Active Speaker Video View or Active Speaker and Thumbnail Video View from the controls in the upper right of your screen
- Mac users can now upgrade without Administrative passwords
- Added music mode in Meetings and Events
- Optimizes the audio processing of the selected microphone source for music allowing a richer audio experience for virtual concerts, music lessons, or where background noise makes it challenging to hear users.
- The music mode icon appears near the top right corner of the client when active.
Watch for more exciting improvements to Webex next month!