The 2020 IT Professionals Conference is in the works. Committees have formed, venues and dates are being finalized, but there is something the conference needs from all of you: your voice. You can help deliver the conference you want by completing the topic survey.
This survey is one of the key ways the IT Professionals Conference is able to deliver talks that you find interesting and engaging. Talks that overflow the room. Talks that get talked about. Last year, about 250 people attended the conference and about 140 responded to the topic survey. You can help both of those numbers grow by taking the topic survey and staying tuned for more details about the conference as they are determined. The conference website will be updated as soon as a late May or early June date is confirmed.
The 2020 IT Professionals Conference Planning Committee thanks you for taking the time to share your thoughts. If you have any questions or comments, please drop them a line at