Ask a trainer – project support

Last updated on February 13, 2025

Need help with your technology-related project? Ask the trainers from Software Training for Students.

In addition to troubleshooting pesky software issues, trainers can help you choose the right technologies/techniques for a project, and they can provide individualized instruction.

Getting started

For general questions about software or technology, email STS and we’ll answer as soon as we can.

For one-on-one help with an STS trainer, book an Ask A Trainer appointment via the sign-up page on our website.

Drop-in Sessions at DesignLab

During the Fall and Spring semesters, STS trainers are available for drop-in consultations in the DesignLab space in College Library 2250. See our website for days and times.

In-person appointments

For more complex or specific questions, it’s best if we can work with you in person. Students are eligible for up to six 1-hour appointments per academic term (fall, spring, and summer). Extra appointments are possible if you need help on a project related to an academic class.

To set up a one-on-one appointment, review topics and book an Ask a Trainer appointment. If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so at least 24 hours in advance via the appointment confirmation email sent with the initial scheduling.


While we do our best to help in any way we can, our service does not provide:

  • Production Services: Trainers cannot complete work on behalf of students
  • Production Equipment or Environments: STS equipment and office space is for trainer and instructional use only and not available to students for production purposes
  • Comprehensive Professional Coverage of All Software Topics: Our trainers – both staff and student trainers – do their best to guide students in overcoming software-related challenges, but are not professional experts and cannot guarantee an ideal solution to every problem
  • Long-Term or Ongoing Support: Students are limited to six 1-hour appointments per academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer). Exceptions may be possible for students who need additional instruction in order to complete work for an academic course, but done at our discretion.

An appointment may be discontinued at the trainer’s discretion if he or she is pressured to provide assistance outside the scope of the our service. Students who repeatedly pressure trainers in this manner may lose their appointment registration privileges.

Available to

  • Students

Service category