Interoperability Transformation Initiative Kicks Off!

The Interoperability Transformation Initiative held its official kickoff event at Union South on July 22, 2019. Members of the program and development team were joined by stakeholders and interested parties from across the university. After a welcome from UW–Madison CIO Lois Brooks, the program team presented the newly developed service principles. Feedback was requested from the more than 60 attendees to ensure that all perspectives are being accounted for as the project moves forward. The team also presented a high-level illustration of what interoperability is and where the program is headed.

We invite you to watch the kickoff event recording and download the presentation slides from the Initiative’s Process & Progress page. You can also provide anonymous feedback or let us know how you would like to be involved in the initiative.

The initiative has just officially started, but a lot of work is well underway. Two scrum teams have convened and are making progress on exploring, researching, testing and learning in several areas.

The Developer Portal Scrum Team is:

  • Working on prototypes for an Event Hub and an API for basic Event Hub publish operations.
  • Working on prototypes for an MVP version of a consumer API for the Event Hub
  • Establishing Dev/Ops practices to be followed for all code and infrastructure

The Profile Scrum Team is:

  • Working on a prototype for a single-service solution that enables UW-Madison end-users to view and interact with their individual information and data in university databases and applications, beginning with a user’s ability to edit the preferred name. 
  • Planning future sprints to explore and collaborate on other aspects of the user profile.

In the areas of architecture and domain driven design, the development team has:

  • Determined the initial methodology for domain modeling (Event Storming)
  • Selected initial domain to model (identity domain) and initial participants
  • Engaged with OneBadger / Salesforce / ATP initiatives

Stay tuned for more updates as the initiative picks up steam!