Financial Services

DoIT Financial Services provides financial accounting, reporting and analysis for DoIT operations. We manage the customer billing and reconciliation for campus customers who use vital DoIT services such as data storage, web hosting, application development and user experience design. Financial Services also supports internal DoIT staff with procurement, travel and expense reimbursement.

Director of Financial Services and Chief Financial Officer: Sarah Hart McGuinnis

What we do

DoIT Accounting

DoIT Accounting is responsible for the financial accounting and reporting for DoIT:

  • Generates financial accounting reports for DoIT departments, the Office of the Chief Information Officer and campus administration.
  • Provides financial monitoring and forecasting for the division.
  • Tracks DoIT capital assets and provides depreciation calculations.
  • DoIT Accounts Payable manages vendor invoices and payments.
  • DoIT Projects manages the DoIT CBS Projects module, creating new projects for time entry in STAR. Email DoIT Projects
  • DoIT Billing invoices campus customers and records payments for DoIT groups to support their operations. View billing contacts for specific contact information. Email DoIT Billing

Accounting Manager: Rachel Cannistraro

DoIT Budgeting

DoIT Budgeting is responsible for division, department and project budgeting, rate setting and financial data management.

  • Manages the DoIT annual budget, including all funding sources and related expenses.
  • Collaborates on new and ongoing projects with DoIT staff to define funding and budgets for their projects.
  • Responsible for annual rate review and rate setting for all DoIT chargeback and fee-for-service activity.
  • Coordinates financial data management and divisional financial reporting efforts, including the monthly managers’ report.
  • Reconciles filled and vacant positions to budget, including salary savings and funding allocation analysis.
  • Oversees DoIT’s Fixed Asset Inventory Process, working closely with DoIT staff and Business Services Property Control.

Budgeting Manager: David Kuester

DoIT Purchasing

DoIT Purchasing is a university-delegated purchasing unit that sources hardware, software and services for DoIT infrastructure, operations, and university-wide enterprise services. Email DoIT Purchasing

  • Develops requests for proposals/bids, simplified bids, sole source waivers and other mechanisms to establish procurement authority.
  • Negotiates vendor contracts and agreements, including license agreements, statements of work, business associate agreements and other legal instruments.
  • Manages contracts and vendor relationships.
  • Advises staff on state and university procurement and travel regulations and policies.
  • Arranges DoIT employee travel and facilitates expense reimbursements.
  • Manages and audits DoIT procurement card purchases.

Purchasing Manager: Colleen Reilly