IT Strategic Priority: Administrative Transformation

Supporting UW–‍Madison’s strategic priority of a high-performing organization.

Support and champion the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP): a priority goal of the university and the Universities of Wisconsin to move to Workday and RAMP and to modernize ancillary and supporting systems.

Strategy 1:

Implement and support the ATP transition to successful completion.


  • Workday and Research Administration Modernization Project (RAMP): Migrate existing services as possible into the new environment.
  • Data: Develop and implement a data strategy for the university that supports business needs and provides a cohesive user experience.
  • Interoperability: Modernize data interoperability and access to and from Workday and RAMP to ensure future sustainability.
  • Peoplesoft: Support Peoplesoft and associated systems through the end of use.


Key outcomes

  • A fully operating, modern enterprise business environment.
  • Improved interoperability of our business systems, which will reduce the need for continual, redundant data entry.

Strategy 2:

Support systems across the university that become obsolete or lose access to data as ATP is implemented, and modernize infrastructure needed to operate business operations in the new enterprise.


  • Ancillary Systems: Develop off-ramps from legacy systems into modern platforms for business functions outside of Workday and RAMP.
  • Interoperability: Modernize data interoperability to systems that will remain in service to ensure accurate and secure data.


Key outcomes

  • A modern, secure delivery of business functionality beyond what is provided by Workday and RAMP.
  • Access to accurate business data to support operations, business intelligence and deep analyses.