Supporting UW–Madison’s strategic priority of a high-performing organization.
Ensure a cybersecure university.
- Network: Improve detection of threats on the network by deploying a modern trust architecture for access to university systems and data.
- Devices: Ensure that all devices accessing university systems and data are known and visible for scanning, monitoring and updating, and are maintained to university standards.
- Firewalls: Create a consolidated core for security management, including firewalls and networking.
- Active Directory: Move toward single sign on and a consolidated Active Directory service for the university.
- Funding: Structure IT funding across the university to incentivize secure, scaled infrastructure, and to provide transparency.
Key outcomes
- A cybersecure university.
- A policy framework that balances security with academic activities.
Extend the security framework to prevent, detect and manage threats across the university, encompassing all devices connected to the network or accessing university data, systems and processes.