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IT News
Instructors: Limited number of Adobe licenses for your students
There are a limited number of Adobe Creative Cloud and Acrobat licenses for use by students. Instructors, learn how you can provide access.
Research Cyberinfrastructure team helps researcher press play on YouTube study
As she studies how people consume science content online—from climate change to COVID-19—Kaiping Chen must analyze massive amounts of data. So she turned to the Research Cyberinfrastructure team for help.
Webex updates improve your collaboration experience
Nearly a dozen improvements to the Webex interface make collaboration easier, faster and more intuitive.
Zoom Client Available, Webex gets a new UI, Breakout rooms, and more.
Dear Departmental Support Primary Contacts, We want to inform you of two updates with UW–Madison web conferencing tools: Zoom Desktop Software The Zoom desktop app and Zoom Outlook plugin are now available through the self-service …
Learning online: Technology tips & tools
Whether you’re participating in fully remote courses or just virtual course activities at UW–Madison, here’s some helpful info on learning remotely, both on and off campus.
Technology for working remotely
Most of the tools you might need are easily accessible with an internet connection and your laptop (or home desktop computer).
UW–Madison Zoom now available
Announcing UW–Madison Zoom: a secure, supported version of the popular web conferencing tool that enhances the virtual classroom experience.
You can count on the DoIT Help Desk for tech support
The DoIT Help Desk is here when you need us, with a variety of ways to access our services—by phone, email, chat and more.
Get the latest updates on key IT projects
In case you missed the IT Projects Update Forum on August 19, check out the presentations here. Topics included the One Badger CRM initiative, VoIP phase two, and Data Center strategy.