An ideal candidate
Candidate demonstrates:
- Willingness and commitment to do the work to improve one’s leadership skill set.
- Openness to professional and personal growth together with the willingness to change is critical to becoming an adaptive, strategic, and inclusive leader.
- Commitment to fostering a diverse leadership community and dedication to inclusivity and equity.
Review criteria/quality of candidate response
Candidate demonstrates:
- Interest in the program
- Awareness of the impact this programming will have on the candidate’s skills/projects/unit/career or other stated goals
- Growth mindset
- Self-awareness of areas of strength/growth
- Goals to develop as a leader
- How participation in this program would benefit them and the campus/organization
Things to consider when writing your responses
- Clearly articulate, in narrative form, why you want to participate in these specific leadership programs
- Identify strengths and weaknesses, and ways to amplify or work on those in order to become a better leader on this campus
- Discuss your engagement in the campus community and beyond including potential new opportunities you see – highlight any projects, activities, communities, and/or groups that may help to tell your story
- Demonstrate your abilities using professional or personal examples
Choosing between Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA)/Universities of Wisconsin and Lead From Where You Are
- BTAA and Universities of Wisconsin IT Leaders programs
- This program supports and strengthens managers and directors looking to advance their skills. While leaders with direct reports are the most frequent participants, the IT Leaders Program can also be a pivotal leadership development experience for individual contributors and senior leaders.
- Lead From Where You Are
- This program is designed for individual contributors, technical leads, and less experienced front line managers who may or may not have direct reports.
Cost of BTAA and Universities of Wisconsin
The BTAA experience may be more expensive than the Universities of Wisconsin experience as additional travel and hotel requirements, including air travel fees, may be involved.
Travel commitment of BTAA and Universities of Wisconsin
While the workshop lengths are the same, participants in the BTAA cohort should plan for additional travel time on either end of their workshops to accommodate the additional trip length which depends on which participating school is hosting.