Guidelines for Presenters
Those invited to speak to the ITC are asked to follow these simple guidelines in order to leave ample time for interaction and ensure a successful presentation.
All materials used in the presentation should be made available in advance for early distribution to committee members. Electronic versions of handouts, including PowerPoint presentations, should be submitted by Tuesday of the week of the meeting. Drafts are acceptable for this distribution, but final versions will be needed to post with the meeting minutes. For examples of handouts, see: the ITC webpage.
Unless you have heard otherwise from the chairman, plan on 15 minutes at most for presentation, and 5-10 minutes for discussion. Meetings are always full, so ending early is better than running over. You may ask the ITC to withhold questions until the end so you may make all of your points.
Most presenters use PowerPoint, but you should not feel you must. If you do, we suggest using it to illustrate your points, and not to outline and read your talk. Save complex tables, charts and other detailed information for handouts. Feel free to use brief streaming media or live web links, but let us know in advance if you need a network connection and external speakers.
Keep in mind that the technical knowledge of ITC members varies. It is best to give broad overviews of policies, procedures, technologies, and effects, rather than minute details. ITC members who want specifics will ask in the Q&A time at the end of your talk.
Please contact the ITC chair or the ITC administrative support with questions.