Last updated October 10, 2022
There are several payment options when making purchases from DoIT. This guide will walk you through those options.
For departmental purchases, DoIT strongly recommends setting up a DoIT Number. For personal purchases, personal credit cards, cash and personal checks are accepted.
Departmental purchases
DoIT numbers
DoIT numbers allow UW–Madison departmental customers to easily purchase from DoIT through an account-specific set of funding numbers. Most DoIT services and products can be purchased with DoIT Numbers allowing for quick and easy transactions.
Funding strings
Are an account-specific set of numbers including business unit, DDS, fund, grant/project, program code and account code. These funding strings can be used to create a DoIT Number for UW Madison Departments. If a DoIT Number is not an option, contact for assistance.
Purchase order
Are generated by non UW–Madison departments, State Agencies or other entities for purchases from DoIT. Purchase orders should include customer/billing information, phone number and information about the service or item(s) to be purchased. Purchase orders should be sent to: DoIT Billing, 1210 W Dayton St, Madison WI 53706
Purchasing cards (ProCards)
In an effort to join campus in reducing credit card processing fees for the university, we strongly encourage customers to use the DoIT Number option for payment.
DoIT Billing
Contact DoIT Billing for help with purchasing or billing problems.
The Office of Cybersecurity
Report a security incident to the Office of Cybersecurity.