Plain text email accessibility

Last updated January 14, 2021

Consider crafting your text-only emails with these tips for writing and formatting accessible plain text emails.

Writing your email copy

Create an outline

Ask yourself, “what are the essential topics you want to address?” Then see if you can break those topics down into 3-5 words each. This can help structure your ideas succinctly.

Shorter is better

Use as few words as possible because email copy should not be an essay. Support your readers with scannable shorter paragraphs that can be broken up with bullet points. Overloading users with excessive text increases the chances that information will be misinterpreted.

Use clear calls-to-action

Make sure they contain action verbs, active language, and make it very clear what the benefit is by clicking through. A call-to-action should specifically link to what your copy says it will link to. Learn to write clear calls-to-action.

Use plain language

Your readers should be able to understand your message the first time they read it. It’s respectful of their time and increases comprehension.  Plain language means:

  • Organizing so it’s easy to follow along
  • Leading with the main idea instead of the exceptions
  • Useful headings
  • Avoiding acronyms, jargon, and idioms
  • Action-oriented sentences and verbs so readers are clear about what they should be doing.
  • Being specific and avoiding vague language.

Learn more about plain language.

Use descriptive link text

People who are blind or have low vision often navigate with screen readers by going from link to link. Providing users with descriptive link text is vital, because it tells them what is being clicked on, and where it will take them. Understand descriptive link text.

Provide alternative text for images and graphics (if an available option)

Alt text (alternative text) describes the image visually and explains how the image is related to the content on the page. Images and graphics that require longer alt text instead get a caption or text description beneath the image.

Formatting your email copy

Chunk your content

Chunking is a strategy to layout content in small digestible pieces, with headings that describe what can be expected from the following paragraph(s), which has shown to improve comprehension. It calls for shorter paragraphs, or breaking up your paragraphs with bullet points. See examples of chunking content.

Using headings and lists to organize

Help users read and understand your content better by organizing content structurally using headings and ordered/unordered lists. The Heading 1 (H1) should be your main point. Subheadings should follow in chronological order (H2, H3, H4, etc..) with each section heading beginning with Heading 2 (H2).

Learn how to structure accessible headings and create bulleted or numbered lists for accessibility.


In general, try not to use tables in plain text emails.  See guidance about tables in HTML emails.

Caption videos, add transcripts for audio content

Make your content accessible by adding captions and transcripts. That should include punctuation, who is speaking, and ambient sound or emotional tone when applicable. How to create accessible video and audio content.

Make documents accessible

Any attachments or linked documents should be accessible for students with disabilities. See resources for making documents accessible.

The Center for User Experience

At the Center for User Experience (CUE), we are committed to working with you to make digital spaces more accessible, usable and inclusive for all students, faculty and staff at UW–‍Madison. We help the university follow its Digital Accessibility Policy by offering free evaluation and advice to everyone in the community.

Get in touch

  • Meet with usBook a quick chat with one of our team members to ask any questions you have.
  • Start a project with us: We support accessible design and development. Fill out our Let’s Connect form to begin working with us on your project or to request an accessibility evaluation.
  • Email us: Not sure if you’re ready to meet? Email us to start talking and figure out what to do next.