
IT Leadership Programs: Apply By Nov 12

Are you an IT professional at UW–‍Madison who’s looking for growth and development opportunities? Applications are open for the UW–‍Madison IT Leadership Programs (ITLP): All Lead and Lead From Where You Are.

Applications are due Friday, November 12. To submit an application, please use the link on the ITLP application page.

Submit Your Application

As a reminder, to be considered for the programs, applications must complete the following two portions:

  1. Applicant responses to application questions submitted via a survey
  2. Applicant supervisor’s agreement, short statement of support, and travel funding acknowledgment submitted via a survey

Please review the overview of ITLP page for general program information and expectations for those selected to be a part of the cohort before submitting your application. It outlines the following opportunities:

  • All Lead – No travel, virtual and in-person, 5 2-hour workshops over 7 months starting December 2021; most beneficial for anyone with budget or personnel management responsibilities and an interest in applying new competencies.
    Application deadline: November 12

  • Lead From Where You Are – Fully remote, 5 workshops over 8 months starting November 2021; most beneficial for anyone who wants to develop their overall leadership skillset and does not have supervisory responsibilities.
    Application deadline: November 12

  • BTAA IT Leaders Program (application period now closed) – Travel required, 5 workshops over 10 months starting November 2021; most beneficial for folks already in leadership roles and have a development mindset.
    Application deadline: Application period for this program closed October 29

Our application page on the UW IT Connects site provides timeline, review criteria, tips for a successful nomination and more information regarding the process. Please share the application link liberally.

Thank you.

ITLP Review Committee: Peter Boguszewski and Cameron Cook (ITLP Forward Co-Chairs), Jason Erdmann, Manda Johnson, Sabrina Messer and Amanda Thornton