Research Cyberinfrastructure’s Data Science Platform invites you to attend Posit Day 2
A series of talks showcasing researchers, resources and strategies available to UW–Madison researchers with a Data Science Platform account.
Intro to Shiny Apps – Python Focus
This is the second installment of the Fall 2024 Posit Days. Ryan Johnson will talk to us about Shinny apps using Python and touch on concepts such as: User interface- Inputs & Outputs, Server Logic, Reactivity, and Layout and Style.
About our Researcher Spotlight
Ben Bradford is a researcher in the Department of Entomology in the Vegetable Entomology Lab. His work involves planning, conducting, and reporting on pest management field trials, assisting with data and statistical analysis for research projects, and developing and maintaining a variety of websites including the AgWeather data service for the Upper Midwest, the Wisconsin Irrigation Scheduling Program, and the Vegetable and Insect Disease Forecasting Network (VDIFN). He has also developed R Shiny applications including data dashboards for WiBee: The Wisconsin Wild Bee App (a community science program) and Water Action Volunteers (a volunteer stream monitoring program), and most recently a weather and scheduling tool for Alfalfa growers.
The talks will be online and open to everyone affiliated with UW–Madison. These talks are free to attend.
Wednesday, November 19th, 2025. From 1pm to 3pm