
Last updated on October 13, 2023

ASG-Cypress provides document capture, archive, retrieval, support and distributed delivery of content regardless of the technology generating or receiving the information. By using ASG-Cypress, any person on campus will be able to receive reports and other ASG-Cypress managed output to any specified network printer, as an email attachment or view the output via the Web.

ASG-Cypress has been used to manage distribution to remote printers, email inboxes, proprietary inboxes and the My UW–‍Madison portal from multiple systems and applications, including the Universities of Wisconsin Shared Financial System, UW–‍Madison transcripts, CBS Reports, Payroll, Accounting and other campuses.

Getting started

Get started by completing these forms:

For help or to learn more about ASG-Cypress, contact us at

Viewable Reports

Enabling users of My UW–‍Madison to view reports online can be convenient for the user, can save money, and can eliminate the need for printing, mailings or other distribution. You can distribute your report via the portal based on specific personal identifiers. Portal users may view their reports through the portal and print them if necessary.  Reports now accessible via My UW–‍Madison include Earning Statements, DoIT Consolidated bills and Staff Benefits.

If you are interested in delivering your reports via My UW–‍Madison, submit an ASG-Cypress repository application form. After reviewing your application, you will be contacted to discuss the details.

Available to

  • Administrators
  • Departments
  • Faculty
  • Instructors
  • IT Staff
  • Managers
  • Researchers
  • Staff

Service category