Digital Accessibility Policy: implementation plan roadmap

In November 2021, UW–‍Madison approved the Digital Accessibility Policy to replace the Web Accessibility Policy that was established in 2001. The new policy went into effect on July 1, 2023. The implementation will roll out in a phased, multi-year approach.

The policy aligns with UW–‍Madison and Universities of Wisconsin policies that protect people with disabilities against discrimination and honors our institutional statement on diversity. The policy does this through raising awareness of digital accessibility best practices, guiding the university toward designing and purchasing accessible technology, and establishing a network of digital accessibility liaisons who will share accessibility best practices with their schools, colleges, divisions, and units.

More information about this project can be found on the Digital Accessibility Policy implementation project page. If you prefer to receive this roadmap in your inbox, please subscribe to our Google Group. Within a minute or two of sending this subscription request email, you will receive an email from Google that includes steps to confirm your membership.

Do you have questions and concerns? Please contact us. We will regularly review and answer your feedback during the weekly planning team meeting.

Previous updates

2024: Jul 2 | Mar 15

2023: Dec 15 | Nov 16 |Oct 17 | Sept 19 | Aug 18 | Jul 14 | Jun 13| May 23 | Apr 17

July 2, 2024


  • Performed a review of the architecture and content of the accessibility guide web content, and conducted user persona exercises to ensure these resources support the needs of various audiences.
  • Conducted focus groups with liaisons to gather information that supplements the manager and liaison survey data gathered in January.
  • Finalized the process improvement plan for the liaison network.


  • Updating Make It Accessible guide content and navigation to improve the user experience.
  • Developing a strategy for integrating the Department of Justice’s new digital accessibility rule for the ADA into our implementation plans and guidance.
  • Planning working groups to incorporate broader community expertise and input into the implementation process.
  • Developing an implementation strategy for Liaison Network enhancements that were recommended in the improvement plan.
  • Continuing support for document accessibility.


  • Planning for phase 3 of the digital accessibility implementation which will focus on website and courseware accessibility and shifting focus from document accessibility to websites and Canvas courses.
  • Launching Make It Accessible updates and promoting digital accessibility resources broadly.
  • Organizing a pilot for digital resource scanning tool(s) to be used for establishing baselines and tracking accessibility improvements to websites and courseware.
  • Convening working groups to inform change management efforts and technical resources.


  • Incorporating feedback from the working groups to shape direction in supporting accessible digital content creation.
  • Iterating upon the Make It Accessible web content based upon feedback and updates to guidelines.

March 15, 2024


  • Liaison and manager survey completed in January.
  • March digital accessibility liaison welcome session held in partnership with ATAG.
  • A TechNews article was published on 2/21/24 to reinforce the importance of the digital accessibility policy and the liaison network.
  • Transitioned the implementation plan roadmap from monthly to quarterly reporting.


  • The project team is completing a website architecture review after conducting a benchmarking exercise. The information obtained will be used to streamline guide content and navigation to improve user experience.
  • Liaison focus groups are being conducted to gather additional information following the January survey. Manager and liaison interviews may also be conducted to inform a process improvement plan.


  • Next steps in the evaluation plan are being considered and adjusted based on research performed and data gathered.
  • An operational plan that takes into account community feedback has been drafted for managing the liaison network through onboarding, offboarding and staff transitions. The project team is working to review and implement.
  • A maintenance plan for training, self-service guides, and resources has been drafted and is awaiting review and implementation.


  • Begin planning for phase 3 of the digital accessibility implementation.

December 15, 2023


  • Liaison and manager survey drafted with data collection beginning in January.
  • Sponsor meeting with the Undergraduate General Education Committee was held to start discussions around digital accessibility for general education courses.


  • Researching various methods to track metrics regarding digital accessibility policy and implementation work.
  • Developing a communication plan of quick tips on applying digital accessibility for various target audiences, ranging from all university community members, to content creators, and role by job function.
  • Engaging with a business analyst to begin assessing the effectiveness of the liaison network and need for ongoing support.


  • Create listening sessions to gather feedback on faculty communications and outreach to be held with S/C/D leadership as well as liaisons and instructional designers.


  • Begin planning for phase 3 of the digital accessibility implementation in assessing the current status of accessibility evaluations for LTIs and LMSs.
  • Develop a sustainable process for updating and maintaining existing training, self-service guides, and resources drafted and in review.
  • Identify where accessibility training and resources exist at the university to understand the landscape of accessibility documentation, training and resources throughout the institution.
  • Identify and secure additional resources to create the necessary training, resources and templates for faculty outreach.

November 16, 2023


  • Liaison onboarding / offboarding checklist, digital accessibility barrier reporting and equally effective alternate access plan process and conformance requirements one-pager resources added to the liaison toolkit.
  • Digital accessibility policy advisory committee meeting monthly.


  • Refining evaluation plan to measure outcomes, success metrics and gather feedback regarding digital accessibility policy and implementation work.
  • Continuing to incorporate early liaison feedback into guides.
  • Developing a sustainable process for updating and maintaining existing training, self-service guides, and resources drafted and in review.


  • Develop and launch a communication plan for content creators and other targeted audiences based on job function.
  • Identify where accessibility training and resources exist at the university to understand the landscape of accessibility documentation, training and resources throughout the institution.
  • Complete a business analysis of the liaison network to determine needs for ongoing support.
  • Identify and secure additional resources to create the necessary training, resources and templates for faculty outreach.


  • Begin planning for phase 3 of the digital accessibility implementation in assessing the current status of  accessibility evaluations for LTIs and LMSs.

October 17, 2023


  • Toolkit provided to liaisons with customizable resources that will be augmented as the policy implementation continues.
  • Early liaison feedback incorporated into training and website resources.
  • Liaison onboarding, offboarding, and liaison membership maintenance plan created.
  • Consultation time available for liaisons with the Center for User Experience as needed.


  • Refining evaluation plan to measure outcomes, success metrics and gather feedback regarding digital accessibility policy and implementation work.
  • Continuing to incorporate early liaison feedback into guides.
  • Soliciting feedback from campus partners to begin engaging faculty and instructional staff on the digital accessibility policy.
  • Identifying and creating additional resources needed for liaisons to promote the use of documentation creation best practices within their units.
  • Developing a targeted communication approach for units without a liaison.


  • Develop and launch a communication plan for faculty, content creators and other targeted audiences.
  • Identify where accessibility training and resources exist at the university to understand the landscape of accessibility documentation, training and resources throughout the institution.
  • Develop a sustainable process for updating and maintaining  existing  training, self-service guides, and resources.
  • Survey the liaison network to determine needs for ongoing support.


  • Begin planning for phase 3 of the digital accessibility implementation in assessing the current status of  accessibility evaluations for LTIs and LMSs.

September 19, 2023


  • Advisory Committee meeting and actively providing feedback to the project.
  • Liaison update email sent to dean and directors to encourage liaison engagement in their units and discuss liaison roles & responsibility with those serving in that role within their unit.
  • 5 liaison office hours held by the Center for User Experience to provide additional guidance on liaison roles and responsibilities, and to connect liaisons to resources.


  • Continuing to identify outcomes, success metrics and evaluation plans for the digital accessibility policy and implementation work.
  • Continuing to incorporate early liaison feedback into training, website resources and guides.
  • Planning phase 2 communications to ensure continued university engagement.


  • Continue to grow and sustain the Liaison Network.
  • Collaborate with the Liaison Network to develop guidelines and processes to (1) facilitate communications around document remediation and (2) integrate accessibility practices into document creation.
  • Work with the Center for User Experience to develop a maintenance plan for training, self-service guides, and resources.
  • Work with the Liaison Network to determine needs for ongoing support.


  • Begin planning for phase 3 of the digital accessibility implementation in collecting information regarding accessibility evaluations for LTIs and LMSs.

August 18, 2023


  • Phase 2 charter finalized through FY24.
  • The first two of five office hours for liaisons complete.
  • Liaison identification in progress with over 100 liaisons identified across 34 Schools, Colleges, Institutes, and Divisions


  • Identifying success metrics for the digital accessibility policy and implementation work.
  • Incorporating early liaison feedback into training, website resources and guides.
  • Drafting a liaison update email for dean and directors to assess liaison distribution in their units and discuss liaison roles & responsibility with those serving in that role within their unit.


  • Continue to grow and sustain the Liaison Network.
  • Collaborate with the Liaison Network to develop guidelines and processes to (1) facilitate communications around document remediation and (2) integrate accessibility practices into document creation.
  • Plan phase 2 communications to ensure continued university engagement.
  • Work with the Center for User experience to develop a maintenance plan for training, self-service guides, and resources.


  • Work with the Liaison Network to determine needs for ongoing support.


July 14, 2023


  • Liaison identification in progress with 90 liaisons identified across 34 Schools, Colleges, Institutes, and Divisions
  • Liaison auto-enrollment in email group upon registration complete
  • First welcome session for liaisons completed on 7/11/23


  • Office hours sessions for liaisons scheduled with communications starting soon
  • Finalizing the phase 2 charter for FY24


  • Second welcome session to be held in September


  • Analyze the resource commitment needed by liaisons to support the Digital Accessibility Policy and impact to the Digital Accessibility Liaison Network and Center for User Experience
  • Update liaison training per feedback Center for User Experience receives

June 13, 2023


  • Liaison identification request sent to Deans and Directors, asking them to identify a liaison for their area
  • Digital accessibility @ UW website published with real-time updates to liaison directory
  • Automated enrollment of liaisons into Canvas training complete and in use


  • Continued outreach to promote liaison identification and registration


  • Explore further automation to manage the liaison network
  • Begin work on phase 2 of the project starting 7/1/23
  • Welcome and office hours sessions coming soon for the liaison network


  • Analyze the resource commitment needed by liaisons to support the Digital Accessibility Policy and impact to the Digital Accessibility Liaison Network and Center for User Experience
  • Update liaison training per feedback Center for User Experience receives.

May 23, 2023


  • University governance and leadership informed of policy launch date via email sent on 4/17/23
  • Advisory Committee identified, meeting to be scheduled soon
  • Success metrics for the phase 1 implementation project drafted and reviewed by sponsors


  • Developing “Digital accessibility @ UW” website and directory to serve as a resource for managers and potential liaisons
  • Drafting communications to promote liaison identification and registration
  • Finalizing automated process to enroll liaisons in Canvas training


  • Exploring further automation to manage the liaison network
  • Beginning work on phase 2 of the project starting 7/1/23


  • Analyze the resource commitment needed by liaisons to support the policy and impact to the liaison network and Center for User Experience
  • Update liaison training per feedback Center for User Experience receives

April 17, 2023


  • Implementation project charter approved
  • Implementation communication plan approved
  • Project team formed and meetings scheduled
  • Project timeline and website published


  • Drafting communication to inform campus governance of policy launch date
  • Refining audiences and stakeholders to keep informed with upcoming communications


  • Draft communications to inform campus leadership of DAL needs and next steps to take in DAL identification and initiation
  • Create a public directory of Digital Accessibility Liaisons