Illustration of people working on devices, making updates, and coding.

AIMS Transition Project roadmap

Transition planning to bring Administrative Information Management Services (AIMS) and the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) together began in earnest in late February 2022. Team members from both AIMS and DoIT are meeting regularly to map out the strategy. The following roadmap of the AIMS transition project activities is published monthly.

More information about this project can be found on the AIMS Transition Project page. If you prefer to receive this roadmap in your inbox, please subscribe to our Google Group. Within a minute or two of sending this subscription request email, you will receive an email from Google that includes steps to confirm your membership.

Do you have questions and concerns? Please contact us. We will regularly review and answer your feedback during the weekly transition team meeting.


2024: Jun 2024 | Mar 2024

2023: Dec 2023 | Nov 2023 | Oct 2023 | Aug 2023 | Jul 2023 | Jun 2023 | May 2023 | Apr 2023Mar 2023 | Feb 2023 | Jan 2023

2022: Dec 2022 | Nov 2022 | Oct 2022 | Sep 2022Aug 2022 | Jul 2022 | Jun 2022 | May 2022 | Apr 2022

Jun 1, 2024

(Recapping March through May)


  • Held help information sessions on changes to knowledge management practices
  • Diagramed data feed updates for inventory and asset management
  • Reviewed desired outcomes for each workstream


  • Finalizing data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners
  • Determining metrics needed for a successful knowledge-centered service (KCS) implementation
  • Continuing discussions on Help Desk unification approaches
  • Solidifying an approach to migrating contract partners to campus active directory
  • Cleaning up organizational units in active directories for migration prep
  • Cleaning up inventory records for contract partners
  • Working on document consolidation
  • Determining next steps for each workstream
  • Finalizing issue briefs related to service operations workstream


  • Closing some workstreams and moving to operational status
  • Determining how a few workstreams continue
  • Establish a Contract Partner Leadership Committee

Mar 1, 2024

(Recapping December through February)


  • Completed pilot of article linking functionality
  • Held a staff project forum update
  • Closed the hardware and logistics workstream
  • Identified relationships between specific services and their active directories


  • Finalizing data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners
  • Diagramming data feeds for inventory and asset management
  • Finalizing a change management plan for changes to knowledge management practices
  • Continuing discussions on Help Desk unification approaches
  • Solidifying an approach to migrating contract partners to the campus active directory
  • Cleaning up organizational units in active directories for migration preparation
  • Working on document consolidation
  • Gathering information on residential network administration overlap


  • Reassessing desired outcomes for each workstream
  • Scheduling active directory pre-migration tasks
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

December 1, 2023


  • Finalized the unification of ordering and purchasing workflows for hardware and software
  • Socialized a high-level plan for document consolidation


  • Finalizing data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners
  • Piloting the article linking functionality in our ITSM tool
  • Creating a change management plan for changes to knowledge management practices
  • Developing additional facilitated discussions around service operations
  • Identifying relationships between specific services and their active directories
  • Continuing discussions on Help Desk unification approaches
  • Wrapping up the hardware and logistics workstream
  • Drafting an approach to migrating contract partners to campus active directory


  • Finalize data needed for inventory management processes
  • Begin document consolidation work
  • Scheduling active directory pre-migration tasks
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Nov 1, 2023


  • Finalized internal workflows for both standard and non-standard software requests


  • Identifying data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners
  • Begin endpoint management unification tasks as part of operational work
  • Piloting the article linking functionality in our ITSM tool
  • Socializing a high-level plan for document consolidation
  • Finalizing the unification of ordering and purchasing workflows for hardware and software
  • Identifying relationships between specific services and their active directories
  • Beginning discussions on HD unification approaches


  • Wrap up the hardware & logistics workstream
  • Draft an approach to migrating contract partners to campus active directory
  • Finalize data needed for inventory management processes
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Oct 1, 2023


  • Completed ability to link resolution articles to incidents in our ITSM tool
  • Drafted a done state for knowledge management documentation consolidation
  • Launched an additional workstream for unification tasks: Help Desk (HD) Unification
  • Completed four service ownership transfer recommendations for contract partner-supported services.
  • Facilitated discussions and recommendations around firewall administration for contract partners.


  • Planning facilitated discussions around network administration activities
  • Identifying data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners
  • Begin Endpoint Management unification tasks as part of operational work
  • Finalizing the unification of ordering and purchasing workflows for hardware and software
  • Identifying relationships between specific services and their active directories
  • Beginning discussions on HD unification approaches


  • Wrap up the hardware & logistics workstream
  • Draft an approach to migrating contract partners to campus active directory
  • Finalize data needed for inventory management processes
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Aug 1, 2023


  • Launched hardware & logistics workstream to align ordering and purchasing practices
  • Concluded firewall administration discussions and shared recommendations with leadership
  • Reviewed and realigned project planning team meetings


  • Defining approach for a unified knowledge management environment
  • Identifying data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners
  • Determining further service-focused discussions with relevant staff


  • Begin Endpoint Management unification tasks as part of operational work
  • Align hardware lifecycle management practices
  • Focus on unification of processes needed for contract partner migrations
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Jul 1, 2023


  • Refocused the remaining unification work for the project into 7 workstreams (knowledge management, service operations, hardware & logistics, inventory & asset management, customer migrations, and endpoint management)
  • Held a mid-project review event to celebrate milestones and share roadmap for year two of our unification
  • Finalized the contract partner migration checklist and identified processes and policies which must be unified before any partners migrate to the campus active directory
  • Shared most recent inventories with contract partners


  • Iterating next steps for a unified knowledge management environment
  • Launching a new hardware & logistics workstream
  • Begin endpoint management unification tasks as part of operational work
  • Conduct firewall administration as a service discussion among groups who support campus partners
  • Identifying data we need to gather for robust inventory tracking of assets used by contract partners


  • Planning further service-focused discussions with relevant staff
  • Align hardware lifecycle management practices
  • Focus on unification of processes needed for contract partner migrations
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Jun 1, 2023


  • Shared detailed cost center data with contract partners
  • Conducted service-focused discussions on supporting printers/printing
  • Met with Center for User Experience staff to consider accessibility for the online portal


  • Iterating next steps for a unified knowledge management environment
  • Finalizing information on services consumed by contract partners served by AIMS in preparation for scheduling customer migrations
  • Establish contract partner migration processes and requirements
  • Planning further service-focused discussions with relevant staff


  • Coordinate timeline for migration with contract partners
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for remaining workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

May 1, 2023


  • Launched the online portal to be utilized by all contract partners
  • Held forums for contract partners and staff regarding April 19 cutover details
  • Unified all points of contact (email, chat, portal, phone)
  • Wound down three of the seven project workstreams in light of April unification
  • Presented unified financial model to the Administrative Council for review and feedback


  • Continuing to communicate with customers regarding upcoming node rate implementation in July
  • Operationalizing continued collaboration and training among unified teams
  • Iterating next steps for a unified knowledge management environment
  • Finalizing information on services consumed by contract partners served by AIMS in preparation for scheduling customer migrations
  • Establish contract partner migration processes and requirements
  • Planning further service-focused discussions with relevant staff


  • Coordinate timeline for migration with contract partners
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for remaining workstreams rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Apr 1, 2023


  • Successfully migrated 1700 support articles focused on the needs of legacy AIMS customers to a unified platform (the DoIT Knowledge Base), establishing short term knowledge management environment
  • Finalized all steps needed to unify each point of contact on April 19 (phone, email, chat, online portal, and websites)
  • Held first service focused discussion with relevant staff (discussion on printing/printer support as a service)
  • Held several trainings related to the need for tools to support a blended customer base
  • Updated the name of the service we provide to departments to Departmental Tech Support
  • Clarified terminology to use when referring to those who contract with DoIT for the Departmental Tech Support service: contract partners


  • Continuing to communicate with customers regarding upcoming node rate implementation in July
  • Carrying out more trainings related to tools teams need to support a blended customer base
  • Iterating next steps for a unified knowledge management environment
  • Finalizing the online portal to be utilized by all contract partners – both current AIMS and current DoIT partners
  • Finalizing information on services consumed by contract partners served by AIMS in preparation for scheduling customer migrations
  • Planning further service focused discussions with relevant staff
  • Planning April forums for contract partners and staff in preparation of the April 19, 2023, unified contact effective date


  • Establish contract partner migration processes and requirements
  • Coordinate timeline for migration with contract partners
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes


Mar 1, 2023


  • Determined our single point of contact cutover day: April 19, 2023
  • Defined our minimum viable product (MVP) for the customer portal


  • Communicating with customers regarding upcoming node rate implementation in July
  • Carrying out trainings related to tools teams need to support a blended customer base
  • Iterating options for a short term knowledge management environment
  • Finalizing an MVP customer portal to be utilized by all contract customers – both current AIMS and current DoIT customers
  • Gathering information on services consumed by customers served by AIMS in preparation for scheduling customer migrations
  • Preparing for unification of contact points
  • Planning service focused discussions with relevant staff
  • Planning an April a forum for customers on upcoming changes


  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Feb 1, 2023


  • Held forum for staff regarding upcoming changes
  • Outlined a framework for evaluating services and applications provided by former AIMS and current DoIT teams


  • Carrying out trainings related to tools teams need to support a blended customer base
  • Iterating options for a short term knowledge management environment
  • Developing a customer portal to be utilized by all contract customers – both current AIMS and current DoIT customers
  • Gathering information on services consumed by customers served by AIMS in preparation for scheduling customer migrations
  • Preparing for unification of some contact points
  • Planning service focused discussions with relevant staff


  • Plan and hold a forum for customers on upcoming changes
  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Jan 1, 2023


  • Finalized data needed for DoIT Financial Services to determine the node fee
  • Finalized communication plans for upcoming changes that directly affect customers
  • Finalized timelines for upcoming changes that directly affect customers
  • Finalized the identification of all services and applications to be evaluated for unification


  • Carrying out trainings related to tools teams need  to support a blended customer base
  • Iterating options for a short term knowledge management environment
  • Developing a customer portal to be utilized by all contract customers – both current AIMS and current DoIT customers
  • Gathering information on services consumed by customers served by AIMS in preparation for scheduling customer migrations
  • Prepare for unification of some contact points
  • Establish a framework for evaluating all services and applications provided by former AIMS and current DoIT teams


  • Plan and hold forums for staff and customers on upcoming changes
  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Dec 1, 2022


  • Determined what staff need to be ready to unify their processes into a shared incoming phone number and a single incident management tool
  • Completed staff shadowing among Help Desk teams and identified training needs
  • Mapped the ideal customer experience for the unified points of contact, including onsite, phone, email, and chat


  • Continuing to work with DoIT Financial Services to define services included in the refined node fee model
  • Scheduling and carrying out trainings related to tools teams need  to support a blended customer base
  • Iterating options for a short term knowledge management environment
  • Finalizing the identification of all services and applications to be evaluated for unification
  • Developing a customer portal to be utilized by all contract customers – both current AIMS and current DoIT customers
  • Gathering information on services consumed by customers served by AIMS in preparation for customer migration scheduling
  • Finalizing communication plans for upcoming changes that directly affect customers


  • Prepare for unification of some contact points
  • Establish a framework for evaluating all services and applications provided by former AIMS and current DoIT teams
  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Nov 1, 2022


  • Surveyed staff directly connected to the project in order to understand areas of strength and needed improvement as we move through the transition


  • Continuing to work with DoIT Financial Services to define services included in the refined node fee model
  • Continuing staff shadowing and knowledge sharing among newly formed teams and team members, identifying future training
  • Exploring options for a short term knowledge management environment
  • Identifying all services and applications to be evaluated for unification
  • Determining what staff need to be ready to unify their processes into a shared incoming phone number and a single incident management tool
  • Developing a customer portal to be utilized by all contract customers – both current AIMS and current DoIT customers
  • Mapping the ideal customer experience for the unified points of contact, including onsite, phone, email, chat, and via an online portal
  • Gathering information on services consumed by customers served by AIMS in preparation for customer migration scheduling


  • Prepare for unification of some contact points
  • Finalize communication plans for upcoming changes that directly affect customers
  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Oct 1, 2022


  • Completed the project plan and designated staff to function as workstream leads to carry out project work
  • Launched work in all 7 project workstreams (Those workstreams are: Staff Cross-Training, Knowledge Management, Unified Points of Contact, WiscIT & Incident Workflows, Billing/MOUs, Customer Migrations, and Service Operations.)
  • Completed a series of speed networking events for staff to meet and network
  • Held a kickoff event to provide transparency into project work for all staff connected to the project


  • Partnering with DoIT Financial Services to define services included in the refined node fee model
  • Continuing cross-training among newly formed teams and team members
  • Exploring options for a short term knowledge management environment
  • Identifying all services and applications to be evaluated for unification
  • Determining what staff need to be ready to unify their processes into a single incoming phone number and a single incident management tool
  • Developing a customer portal to be utilized by all contract customers – both current AIMS and current DoIT customers
  • Mapping the ideal customer experience for the unified points of contact


  • Prepare for unification of some contact points
  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements
  • Identify next milestones and tasks for each workstream rolling up to desired workstream outcomes

Sep 1, 2022


  • Identified and defined workstreams and early project outcomes for the integration work.
  • Identified leads to guide project work within each workstream.
  • Identified and cross-trained on select shared tools to support campus partners.
  • Formally transitioned AIMS and DoIT staff into new and existing teams within Systems Engineering & Operations and User Services.
  • Held events to build relationships and networks among staff working together in the unified organization.
  • Scheduled learning sessions focused on specific organizational elements.
  • Established the Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan.


  • Finalizing the project plan, project schedule and prioritizing work.
  • Identifying more shared tools to support campus partners and beginning cross training on these tools.
  • Partnering with DoIT Financial Services to define services included in the refined node fee model.
  • Planning a kickoff event to begin project work in all workstreams after fall semester stabilizes – late September.
  • Holding additional events to build relationships and networks among staff working together in the unified organization.
  • Scheduling more learning sessions focused on specific organizational elements.
  • Continue cross-training among newly formed teams and team members.


  • Determine a short term knowledge management environment.
  • Map the customer experience for the unified points of contact.
  • Define services offered in the future node fee model.
  • Identify all services and applications to be evaluated for unification.
  • Establish customer migration processes and requirements.

Aug 1, 2022


  • Completed subgroup work to recommend and plan social events and organizational elements events.


  • Holding events to build relationships and networks among staff among staff working together in the unified organization.
  • Scheduling learning sessions focused on specific organizational elements.
  • Identifying and defining workstreams for the technical integration work.
  • Finalizing an Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan.
  • Holding staff meetings to facilitate future organization integration.
  • Identifying shared tools to support campus partners and beginning cross training on these tools.
  • Partnering with DoIT Financial Services to define services to be included in the refined node fee model.


  • Finalizing a project plan including the prioritization of work.
  • Develop an approach for a unified point of contact for all partners working with AIMS and DoIT for support.
  • Identify all AIMS/DoIT services to be evaluated for unification.

Jul 1, 2022


  • Shared and socialized the initial organizational chart with AIMS and DoIT teams.


  • Building a shared understanding of how disparate teams currently provide customer support.
  • Creating a comprehensive list of tasks for work backlog and sequencing.
  • Developing a project plan including the prioritization of work.
  • Creating an Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan.
  • Assembling a subgroup to provide recommendations for staff social opportunities and organizational elements.
  • Holding staff meetings to begin future organization integration.


  • Develop an approach for a unified point of contact for all partners working with AIMS and DoIT for support.
  • Identify all AIMS/DoIT services to be evaluated for unification.

Jun 1, 2022


  • Onboarded a new project manager to the transition effort.
  • Developed and began using a communication plan.
  • Completed organizational alignment analysis for AIMS and DoIT.
  • Delivered an AIMS Transition Project update at the May University Staff Congress meeting.


  • Creating a comprehensive list of tasks for work backlog and sequencing.
  • Developing a project plan including the prioritization of work.
  • Creating an Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan.
  • Sharing and socializing the initial organizational chart with AIMS and DoIT teams.


  • Identify all AIMS/DoIT services to be evaluated for unification.
  • Plan and execute several employee education and transition events for impacted employees in AIMS and DoIT.


  • Evaluate and prioritize AIMS/DoIT services identified for unification.
  • Planning for system integrations (e.g., Cherwell).

May 1, 2022


  • Published an informational project website for the transition.
  • Held AIMS/User Services/SEO information sharing sessions and the first combined leadership team meeting.
  • Sent an initial communication to all AIMS customers.
  • Created a feedback form and implemented a process for tracking and responding to questions, concerns, and feedback.
  • Created a JIRA board for task tracking and project management.


  • Completion of a project plan and reporting structure.
  • Create an Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan.
  • Create a comprehensive list of tasks in the backlog of work.
  • Develop a communication plan.


  • Begin execution of OCM plan.
  • Organize and prioritize the comprehensive backlog of work for the project.
  • Identify all AIMS/DoIT services to be evaluated for unification.


  • Planning for system integrations (e.g. Cherwell).
  • Evaluate and prioritize AIMS/DoIT services identified for unification.

Apr 1, 2022


  • Transition teams kick-off.
    • Divisional leadership team – Provide support and guidance for the project; manage the financial and human resources requirements for the project; remove barriers as needed.
    • Transition planning team – Plan the general activities of the project team, subject matter experts, and sub-teams involved in the project. Responsible for project deliverables.
    • Transition monitoring team – Provide upward communication to project leadership,  keep the pulse of the organization,  and understand the impact of the transition on people involved in the transition.
  • Transition project charter approved.
  • Initial meeting with the Office of Strategic Consulting as a partner in the transition.
  • Work plan completed.


These are the activities and features we are currently working.

  • Project plan development, which will include a firm target end date.
  • Informational project website for the transition.
  • AIMS/User Services information sharing sessions.


These are the activities and features we plan to work on next.

  • Engagement with the Office of Strategic Consulting to create an Organizational Change Management (OCM) plan.
  • Create initial integration plan of AIMS and DoIT groups for feedback and refinement.
  • Begin developing the backlog of work.


These are activities, features, and requests that are being explored and are potential candidates for working on next.

  • Begin execution of OCM plan.
  • Identify all AIMS/DoIT services to be evaluated for unification.
  • Develop a comprehensive backlog of work for the project.