What’s Happening? Canvas – New “Smart Search” Available as Feature Preview A new Canvas “Smart Search” course search tool is available as a feature preview for instructors to enable. Students and instructors can use the …
Learn @ UW News
Accessibility with UDOIT: Text styling in Canvas
UDOIT is a tool that helps instructors fix digital accessibility barriers directly within Canvas. Learn more about how screen readers interpret text styling, and how to make your course better for students who use them.
Learn@UW Newsletter, week of July 19
What’s Happening? Canvas – New Course Analytics Tool Coming to All Courses Tomorrow, July 20 A refreshed version of Canvas course Analytics, called “New Analytics,” has been available as an instructor opt-in feature in the …
Canvas: Changes coming to syllabus & course summary features
If you use these features as an instructor or instructional designer, find out about changes coming Aug 16.
Learn@UW Newsletter, week of July 5
What’s Happening? Canvas – Discussions/Announcements Redesign Coming July 20 On July 20, all Canvas courses will begin using the redesigned version of “Discussions/Announcements.” For the past several semesters, using the redesigned versions of Discussions and …
Learn@UW Newsletter, week of Jun 21
What’s Happening? Canvas – Discussions/Announcements Redesign Coming July 20 On July 20, all Canvas courses will begin using the redesigned version of “Discussions/Announcements.” For the past several semesters, using the redesigned versions of Discussions and …
Changes to Canvas Discussions and Announcements tools coming Jul 20
On July 20, Canvas courses will begin using the redesigned Discussions and Announcements features, affecting in-progress summer courses. Find out what this means for you.
Requesting a Canvas course shell
Canvas shells are blank Canvas courses in which you can create and deliver course content, blank “canvases” for instructors and course designers to use as a sandbox for experimentation or to house supplemental content.
Introducing Learn@UW–Madison’s Training Manuals Library
This new library features written content sourced from our regular sessions on teaching and learning tools, including Canvas, Kaltura and Top Hat.
Instructors: Order your digital course materials by Mar 25
Save money and unlock learning experiences. Instructors must order eTexts and digital learning tools in Engage before the deadline to ensure they’re available in the upcoming summer term.