Last updated March 11, 2020
Use the following free resources to help you protect your data while on the UW network.
Stay virus-free
Windows users should active Windows Defender (Antivirus), macOS users should use their built-in protection to guard against and remove existing viruses and malware.
Safeguard valuable information
Find it. Delete it. Protect it. Use Spirion (Identity Finder) to locate and protect your restricted data.
Protect yourself on open networks with WiscVPN
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and enables you to send and receive data across public networks securely.
WiscVPN is highly recommended when accessing UW–Madison resources and required when accessing restricted campus resources when you are using a remote connection such as private DSL or Cable Modem service, a hotel or airport connection, etc. WiscVPN service is free. You will need to download a client (Windows and Macintosh versions available) and install it.
More info about WiscVPN
More resources
DoIT also offers a variety of remote connection methods for workgroups and departments including a LAN-to-LAN VPN and a Dedicated Circuits service. If you have questions about group remote access, contact the Help Desk at 608-264-HELP or visit us online.
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