Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Last Chance To Complete Your Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Get on your mark, get set, go (and finish) your Cybersecurity Awareness Training. This mandatory training needs to be completed by June 30, 2021 for faculty and staff (excluding any graduate or undergraduate employees). All students will take the training in the fall.

There are two training options available. (You only need to complete one):

Option #1:
This option is a highly visual and interactive Cybersecurity Awareness Training delivered through the Drip7 platform. It must be completed by June 30. You can complete this training in approximately 20 minutes. This training is less accessible to people with visual and motor disabilities and is not translated into other languages.

How to log in to Option #1 training:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Log In Using NetID” button.
  3. Click the red “Login” button.
  4. Enter your NetID username and password (and verify your identity with multi-factor authentication, MFA-Duo, if needed).
    1. Note: Clicking the red “Login” button may automatically log you in to the training if you already logged in to another UW–Madison service with your NetID.
  5. You have completed the training once you receive two badges and see the message,  “Congratulations! You have completed UW–Madison Cybersecurity Awareness Training for 2021.”

Option #2:
This option is a text-based Cybersecurity Awareness Training delivered in Canvas by the UW–Madison Office of Cybersecurity. This training has been translated into our six languages (English, Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan, Chinese, and Nepali) and is very accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Because of the delay in offering translated training, the deadline is July 16 for this Canvas training.

How to log in to Option #2 training:

  1. Go to
  2. Select your preferred language and log in using your NetID and password.
  3. Once you complete the training, you will see a page that says, Congratulations! You have finished your Cybersecurity Awareness Training for 2021.”

Cybersecurity Awareness Training has been evaluated for accessibility and usability. See the Cybersecurity Awareness Training Accessibility & Usability Information (Source: KB 101063) for details. For accessibility assistance with the Cybersecurity training or to report an accessibility barrier contact the DoIT Help Desk.

If you have questions or comments, please contact