Web content management (WiscWeb)

Last updated on April 20, 2023

Create, edit and manage your content on the web through WiscWeb using WordPress and the UW Theme. The service allows users with little to no knowledge of web programming to create and manage a website with relative ease.

By default, all WiscWeb content will be publicly accessible. WiscWeb sites are not intended for personal use, self promotion, or for auto-biographical purposes and the service cannot host sensitive or restricted data. Additionally, the service cannot support 3rd party code (ex: vendor built child themes).


  • Simple, easy to learn interface
  • Site comes with UW Theme (campus branded, accessible, standards-compliant code, functionality included)
  • Provides end user support via email, KnowledgeBase documentation, office hours, and Lunch and Learns
  • Offers a free training course in Canvas, as well as helpful training videos
  • Includes hosting and 3rd or 4th level domain reservation (sitename.wisc.edu or sitename.department.wisc.edu)
  • Includes server, application and plug-in management by WiscWeb (you just need to worry about your site content)
  • Offers increased functionality through vendor plugins like Gravity Forms and wpDataTables, as well as custom WiscWeb plugins like UW Publications, UW Social Share, and UW Reusable Content
  • Includes ongoing support for your WiscWeb site before, during and after going live


  • Campus NetID
  • WiscVPN for Logging In

Getting started

Terms of use

WiscWeb terms of service


  • Activation of service-approved plugins (most are self-activateable)
  • Users have the option to request customizations to the site logo and color (for an additional fee). Requests are subject to team member availability and are reviewed for accessibility, usability, mobile friendliness, etc. For these requests, please review the customization options and fill out the customization request form.



Related pages

Available to

  • Departments
  • Faculty
  • Researchers
  • Staff

Service category