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Join the IT Mentoring steering committee & make a difference

The UW IT Mentoring program is seeking volunteers to join the steering committee. If you’re passionate about mentoring, want to develop your leadership skills, or simply desire to help strengthen UW–‍Madison’s IT community, this is a perfect opportunity to make a big difference for your colleagues.

Apply to join the IT Mentoring steering committee

The steering committee is a group of dedicated professionals from across campus who volunteer their time and expertise to organize and run the IT Mentoring program. Part of IT Connects, the program matches mentors and mentees for peer relationships based on their interests, goals, and backgrounds and provides them with resources, guidance and support throughout the year. You must submit your application by March 10 to be eligible to join the 2024-25 committee.

Committee members will:

  • Help recruit people to sign up to be mentors and mentees
  • Match mentors and mentees using a data-driven approach
  • Help develop materials and facilitate events to orient and assist mentors and mentees
  • Evaluate and find ways to improve the program based on feedback
  • Communicate and collaborate with other IT Connects committees and groups
  • Promote and advocate for the IT Mentoring program

The committee meets every 2 weeks for 1 hour, and members spend less than 2 hours per month working on program tasks and projects outside of meetings. The committee is seeking new members who can commit to serving through August at minimum.

The IT Mentoring program strives to reflect the diversity of UW’s IT community and encourages applicants from all backgrounds, identities and experiences. You do not need any mentoring experience to get involved, but it helps to have a strong interest in mentoring and professional development.

After applications close after the March 10 deadline, the current committee members will review the applications and select the top candidates based on their qualifications, fit and availability. We will respond to all applicants by the end of March and invite the selected candidates to join the next group meeting for onboarding.

This is a great opportunity to make a positive impact on UW’s IT community and grow your own skills and network. Don’t miss this chance to join the IT Mentoring steering committee and help shape the future of IT at UW–‍Madison!

Please email the steering committee at with any questions about committee membership and the application process. Join the IT Mentoring mailing list to make sure you hear about upcoming mentoring opportunities.

— Lindsay Bolan & Conor Klecker, steering committee co-leads