UW–Madison general access computer labs, also known as InfoLabs, offer a wide variety of services to faculty, staff and students. We have exciting news to share! InfoLabs recently unveiled 2 new features: Wireless printing and a toolbar to easily access built-in accessibility features.
Wireless printing
Wireless printing is now available across all InfoLab (computer lab) locations. Infolabs replaced its legacy printing service, GoPrint, with PaperCut, a modern print management solution. With PaperCut, you can set up your personal device to print from any release station in all InfoLab locations, as well as most campus libraries. PaperCut supports Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices.
If you set up your device in GoPrint prior to this semester, you will need to set it up again in PaperCut. See the linked resources below for more information.
Instructions: How to set up wireless printing
More about printing
New MorphicBar provides easy access to accessibility features

Another exciting new feature is the addition of the Morphic toolbar or “MorphicBar” which provides easy access to the native accessibility functions within Windows and macOS. MorphicBar can be launched by clicking the Morphic desktop icon on InfoLab and librarycomputers, as well as loaner laptops. This toolbar is a new assistive technology tool that makes computers easier to use.
Using the MorphicBar, you can:
- Increase or decrease the size of everything on the screen (including text) with a single click.
- Use the magnifier tool to look at something in more detail.
- Use the snip tool to take a picture of any part of the screen.
- Select text and have it read to you.
- Adjust the screen’s color and contrast, and set the screen to light or dark mode.
See a quick demo of the MorphicBar
For more information about accessibility and disability resources, visit the Accessibility @ UW–Madison webpage. For more information about InfoLabs, check out the InfoLab service page.