Hands drawing wireframe images of a website in progress

UW Design Community: “Now Better & More Design-y”

You shared. Are we getting it right?

This session was to help keep us accountable and learn about future sessions. We covered some of the feedback we’ve received, how we plan to make adjustments to our session format, and what you can look forward to in the next few months.

We also collected questions for our October session on email design and marketing, a hot topic across campus, and we wanted to make sure we had as many of your questions as possible answered.



Connect with the UW Design Community

The UW Design Community is brought to you by the Center for User Experience and IT Connects. Together, we can realize meaningful results when it comes to our shared goals of increased engagement and efficiency, student satisfaction, employee productivity, and making our digital campus easier to use.

Join the UW Design Community by emailing uw-design-community+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu or join our Teams group.

—UW Design Community