The CISO’s Perspective / 2017 4th Edition Prior to the Renaissance, many mathematicians, theologians and philosophers believed the Earth was the center of a finite universe and that the sun, planets and stars orbited around …
IT News
Google Docs, ransomware and other adventures
The CISO’s Perspective / Special Edition Over the last several weeks the UW-Madison Cybersecurity Operations Center has observed two significant events along with several minor to important episodes which should cause all of us to …
Enterprise Systems Security
The CISO’s Perspective / Special Edition Every once in a while I like to point out one of the teams in the Office of Cybersecurity and present something newsworthy. Today I want to highlight the …
Now that we know what cybersecurity risk is…
The CISO’s Perspective “It’s not important because it’s policy, its policy because it’s important.” — Gary Declute After working on it for about a year, we are in the end stages of walking the Cybersecurity Risk …
Smart cybersecurity plans balance vision and agility
The CISO’s Perspective There’s an inherent dilemma in effectively managing cybersecurity: IT organizations must dedicate the time and focus required for long-term strategic planning while maintaining the agility to meet evolving threats and take advantage …
The CISO’s Perspective – Beyond security and privacy: the ethical use of data
This is a re-run of an article I wrote for Security Current which was based on a presentation I delivered at the IQPC Cybersecurity in Higher Education Conference in March of this year. As the …