Our session Kickstart your Search Engine Optimization was held on July 21, 2022. Please check out the available recording and resources.
UW Design Community
Swag: If you buy it, will they come?
Our session Swag: If you buy it will they come? was held on June 30, 2022. Please check out the available recording and resources.
Color theory: Using color to enhance your design
Whether you design for print or digital (or both!), the use of color supports the user experience. In case you missed the May UW Design Community session, watch the recording to gain insights.
Design thinking: problem-solving through creativity
An Apr 22 UW Design Community session will focus on “design thinking”—a process that fosters collaboration and creativity to solve problems and innovate in a human-centered way.
Make Your Work Better By Understanding Your Users
User experience (UX) activities help us learn about our users and how best to design for them. The UW Design Community shares tips for talking to users, implementing other UX activities and avoiding pitfalls.
Miss The Plain Language Session? Watch The Recording
In a Jan 24 Design Community session, participants got to practice their skills with expert advice from UW–Madison Plain Language instructors. Miss the session? Check out the recording for some valuable tips.
The Hidden Benefits Of Plain Language: Jan 24
Whether you’re developing new content or jazzing up your existing copy, plain language can improve the overall experience for your readers. Need some expert advice? Join the Center for User Experience for a UW Design Community session.
What Should Go On Your Homepage?
When it comes to designing a website’s homepage, it’s easy to get hung up on the aesthetics. Join a lively Design Community discussion to talk through balancing content and design, featuring members of the WiscWeb team. Virtual via Zoom: Wed, Dec 1, 11:30am.
Adobe Design Circle Scholarship awards creativity in design, technology
The undergraduate scholarships award up to $25,000 for up to four years, ideal for students who want to enter product design or experience design-related careers.