WiscVPN (virtual private network)

Last updated on February 18, 2025

WiscVPN (Virtual Private Network) software allows UW–‍Madison faculty, staff and students to access University resources even when they are using a commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP). It accomplishes this by encrypting internet traffic between a home/remote personal or work computer/laptop and the campus network. All traffic from the client is routed through the tunnel with a campus IP address, making that traffic appear to be originating from on-campus.


  • VPN encrypts traffic from your client to the campus network.
  • No matter where you are in the world, VPN can help make you feel like you are on the UW–‍Madison Campus.
  • Adding Multi-factor Authentication from Duo (MFA-Dou) to the login process helps to protect WiscVPN against user credential theft.
  • Static IP assignments can help lock down host-based firewall rules for remote administration.


  • uwmadison.vpn.wisc.edu is currently open to most Active NetIDs. Static IP assignments are available.
  • Individuals must authenticate with MFA-Duo to access WiscVPN.
  • For the Departmental VPN, someone from the department will need to make a helpdesk.wisc.edu request to start the configuration process between the Department and DoIT Campus Network Services.

Getting started

  • Download the WiscVPN tool you need based on your operating system.
  • Enroll in Multi-factor Authentication from Duo (MFA-Duo) in order to access WiscVPN.
  • Owners of departmental VPNs contact DoIT Network Services to initiate the integration of multi-factor authentication from Duo.


  • Dynamic IP Addresses:
    Each time you make a connection using the VPN client, you may be assigned a different campus IP address. Most WiscVPN users will likely find that a dynamic IP address meets their needs.
  • Static IP Addresses:
    A few network resources need to be locked down so that only specific IP addresses are allowed to access them. The Static IP service will reserve a specific IP address that will always be used for your WiscVPN connection.


uwmadison.vpn.wisc.edu and departmental VPN — with or without static IP or Multi-factor Authentication (MFA-Duo) — is a no-fee based service.

Available to

  • Departments
  • Faculty
  • IT staff
  • Researchers
  • Staff
  • Students

Service category