AIMS Transition Project

AIMS Transition Project updates

List of articles

Project timeline

High-level milestones

Project teams are focused on our next critical deadline, unifying points of contact.

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Establish project website and communications plan.
Complete unified organization chart.
Establish initial project priorities.
Begin providing transition and education activities for impacted employees.
Establish change management plans.
AIMS staff transition into their new DoIT groups on or before this date.
Complete work breakdown structure for prioritized project goals.
Begin technical integration activities.
Unify points of contact under the DoIT umbrella: phone, email, chat, online portal.
Implementation of a node rate based monthly billing system for all contract partners.
  1. 02/25/2022: Project start
  2. 04/01/2022: Establish project website and communications plan.
  3. 05/31/2022:  Complete unified organization chart.
  4. 06/30/2022: Establish initial project priorities.
  5. 08/01/2022: Begin providing transition and education activities for impacted employees. Establish change management plans.
  6. 09/01/2022: AIMS staff transition into their new DoIT groups on or before this date.
  7. 09/30/2022: Complete work breakdown structure for prioritized project goals.
  8. 10/01/2022: Begin technical integration activities.
  9. 04/03/2023: Unify points of contact under the DoIT umbrella: phone, email, chat, online portal.
  10. 07/01/2023: Implementation of a node rate based monthly billing system for all contract partners.


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I have questions about nodes and node rates. Where can I find out more?

We’ve compiled frequently asked questions and answers in the DoIT Departmental Tech Support-Node Rate FAQ KB page to provide you with more information about nodes, node rates, billing, calculations and more.

What is a contract partner?

“Contract partner” is a term DoIT uses to refer to campus departments that contract with DoIT for their IT support. These are departments that have either been historically supported by AIMS or historically supported by DoIT.

Where should contract partners go for support?

There are several specialized support options available to contract partners to contact DoIT Departmental Tech Support. Check out the Contract Partner Support Options KB article for more information.

Are there other changes coming for contract partners related to this project?

Yes. Contract partners who access their computers and other applications through an active directory other than the campus active directory (such as the AIMS or Housing active directories) will need to transition to the campus active directory. Preparation and planning for that transition is underway and DoIT will collaborate with contract partners to schedule those transitions in the future.

Feedback loop

If you have questions about the AIMS Transition project, please let us know. At this link is a form that sends your feedback to the transition team. We will review and respond to questions at our weekly transition team meeting.

Send us your questions